Accessing Creative Energy

Having hosted a weekly radio show called 'All That I Am' that has focused for the last 6 months on the question, "what is creativity and why is it important?", the following guide helps you access that creative energy.
Who inspires you? A writer, a musician(s), poet, people that you know - mentors, friends, family, any elderly people who have inspired you.
Write down why each of them have inspired you, and what you have learned or what you are still learning or enjoying about them.
How can you translate what's going on in your head into something tangible:
a written word, phrase or piece
a piece of dialogue you heard, or are thinking about
a poem
a sketch
a drawing
a painting
a jingle
a song
a dance
any kind of movement
Some of us are morning people, some evening, some night etc. But the reality of our lives are that it is probably more real to ask when do have have any time where we can even think about being creative. So can you think about when that time might be. A train journey to work, a walk home from dropping the kids off, your lunch, the middle of the night when you wake up from a dream - can you scribble it down?
Find the tiny moments even if you stay longer in the toilet to write down something someone said that made you laugh, or a poem that you may even choose to flush down the toilet.
Some people like quiet, some noise. If you don't know, try both, usually you'll know which one suits you better. Is it outside walking in nature, or is it sitting in a cafe people watching.
Or is it only on the train or car on the way to work when you can sing out loud and make up words, or shout or say a poem or a ditty.
Just find a way. Buy a tiny insignificant note book and write anything you think of as and when. Listen to a song and write down a lyric that particularly touches you.
Make a crazy doodle drawing. Maybe of the person sitting opposite you.
Find a way. There is no other thing to say.
Why must you access your creativity. Because the energy of creativity is fundamental to everything that we are. The more you use it the more it will turn up and find solutions, the more easily communication becomes and the more fulfilled you will be.
Accessing creative energy is only difficult because it open us up to a vulnerability that in every day life we find easy to avoid. However this energy is a life source with much to offer the person who is willing to give it a little time, stop any judgements, and play with a different side.

Female Creative Energy - Cultivation

Menopause has the potential to trigger our latent insanity on occasion, especially as the heat rises, our emotions escalate, and everything punches holes in the carefully designed tapestry we call our life plan! Although this expression is potentially freeing, sometimes we can feel truly incapacitated by the intensity of the energy propelling us out of control!
"Courage in women is often mistaken for insanity," is one of my favorite quotes from a movie about the suffragettes. When we are young, our courage is blanketed by innocence and vibrates with infallibility. This tone evolves into a very different quality as we accumulate years, after moving first through sensuality, arrogance, nurturance, humility, fear, and finally, true courage.
Ruthless self-examination for better or worse, helps us to develop acceptance and compassion for all that we are. Curiosity and correct interpretation of the answers tenures truth in our educational mission. More, we must actually ask provocative questions, evoking this truth from our innermost voice, our soul
Is there any part of your brain that functions differently (notice how it's not about bad or good) now as a result of age changes and menopause? Are you more likely to expose yourself, showing your vulnerability now more than you were before? What would you do if you never had another romantic relationship again in your life? Are you happy in your relationship or happily alone? Is your intuition heightened; are you more sensitive to energy?
Exploring these possibilities, or to answer even one of these questions could stir much in our old programmed templates for living. Complete with courage at this stage in our evolution, we have the inner elemental fuel to bring it all to light, transforming everything we are made of, re-wiring and creating new neural networks.
Personally, I've asked myself and my close friends these questions over and over again because I'm curious about what lies beneath these personas of ours. More important, I wonder what lies beneath that and I'd like to know how we can re-lay our foundation without totally destroying the house on top of it.
Now I know my personal foundation cracks and changes daily with each breath I take and with every thought I have. I am certain I am rewiring myself in my sleep, maybe even while awake. I'm certain I will complete my soul and advance this lifetime. Is this true for everyone though?
is it true for you?
How would a new romantic partner adjust to these thoughts, these crests and troughs? Is there enough compassion and surrender in the Universe for me to exist here, like this, along with the other 6 million menopausal women in the United States? These are my questions.
One day, in the last several years, I realized that I may be single the rest of my life and although fairly uneasy about it at first, I've grown, learned and become quite enthusiastic about this as a very distinct possibility. On the other hand, I am not adverse to finding and living with a mate. He would have to be an open-minded and spiritually special man to venture into this very rugged terrain.
Since that discovery, I have hovered around the bush of courage, sometimes hiding behind it and other times dancing around it. In this moment, I truly embrace being celibate as a possibility. In fact, I am certain that mature women worldwide can hold the creative space for all evolutionary processes, particularly those fearless women who use their creative energy for nothing but the process of human expansion.
Whatever its past was, or future consistency may be, our most auspicious and productive state of being is to courageously embrace who we are in present time, even if that means temporary insanity. And that's quite a feat, yet there are ways to manage, to cultivate and entrain this wildly creative energy in our bodies through visualization, conscious living and breathing, as well as spiritual intention.
Female Creative Energy Practice I
Transform sexual energy into creative Chi energy by breathing into and focusing on the Ovaries. Begin by breathing into your ovaries. Rapidly and lightly rub your palms together placing them over your lower abdominal and ovarian areas. Feel the warmth created with the breath and hands.
Next, visualize an oval shape that connects the two ovaries and the cervix, completely encircling the uterus as well. Feel the energy moving through and circulating around this "Oval" shape.
Ground the cervix into the Root Chakra at your tailbone and further, into the center of the Earth. Allowing anything foreign to release down this grounding connection. All the stagnant energies will be transmuted by Earth's fiery core.
Let the creative energy swirl around in the oval while you pump your perineum gently (squeeze the pelvic floor muscles like a Kegel). Feel the energy created in the "Oval" moving up through the spine into the center of your head.
Here it cycles around both clockwise and counterclockwise, eventually returning back down to the "Oval." You can also try pooling and circulating this energy into each chakra along the way as it journeys upward.
Do this both on the way up to collect energy and the way down to re-fill the spaces with a higher vibration. Now try the exercise again with your tongue touching the roof of your mouth behind your top teeth.

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